Scarf Challenge:: DIY T-Shirt Scarf

posted on: Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hi everyone! I hope the weekend treated you all well...
UGA was lucky enough to beat Florida and it was such a joy to be there for the win!
Sorry Gator fans :))

To celebrate, and transition from the weekend, I decided to show you all a fun DIY
to lead us into the Fall and Winter months!

In honor of my Scarf Challenge I decided to jump on the band wagon and try out a T-shirt Scarf! This was such a simple DIY, and a fun, rewarding project to do! It will only take you 10-15 minutes! Wow!

You will need:
1. An over-sized t-shirt
2. Scissors
3. Yarn (that blends in/matches your shirt, this step is optional)
4. Beads (part of optional step)

Step 1: 
You will want to cut long ways across the shirt, right under the armpits.
No worries if it's not perfectly straight!
Toss the top half of the shirt, it won't be needed for the scarf!

Step 2:
Next, take the portion of the shirt that you cut off and start cutting strips lengthwise, across the shirt.
For this step, you will cut approximately 1/2 inch strips until the entire shirt is cut into strips.
However, do not cut all the way across the shirt. Leave an inch of space, you will need the strips to stay together at the end for gathering later.

Cut all the way up the shirt until you reach the bottom hem. Save the hem for later. 

Step 3:
Next, while holding the end that is still intact, pull on the strips to make them longer. By pulling the strips, you  also create a twisted look that adds to the detailing of the finished scarf.

Step 4: 
Gather the fabric at the area where you kept the strips in tact.

Once gathered, make sure that all of the strips are approximately the same length so that the loop will look even.

Step 5:
Now take the hem that you saved from earlier and cut it so that it makes one long strip of fabric

As an option for this step you can braid the hem piece by cutting it into 3 strips.
I braided it and I love the feminine touch!

Step 6:
Taking the hem piece, wrap it around the gathered area of your scarf. Wrap it multiple times, finally tying, and knotting the end so that it will stay securely.

Step 7:
This is another optional detail for the scarf, but for this step you can take any type of beading and add it for a  touch of sparkle! I chose to use some black beads, and jumble them in the area around the knot for a couple security stitches.

Using matching thread, stitch the beads into the scarf, 
tying a knot at the end of your stitching for added security.

Step 8:
You're finished! Once all the stitches have been stitched, and the scarf is styled to your liking you are done!
This scarf is so simple I want everyone to make one today!

If you have any questions about procedures, or want to share a DIY scarf idea with me let me know!
I love hearing from you all, and thank you for your support!

xo always

Photos by Katie Coon


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